
Making a claim

Get in touch as soon as possible. We're here to help you.

Report a new claim

You can choose how to report a new claim. You can claim online or call our general claims number.

Online claim

Give us a call on 0333 777 7324 (Call fees | Opening hours)

Or from abroad on +44 333 777 7324

Report your add-on product claim online

It's simple and convenient to use one of your add-on products or to know more about the policy benefits for Personal Injury and Hire Vehicle.

Start an add-on claim

Existing claims

Web Messaging is currently closed.

Alternatively please give us a call on 0333 777 7324 (Call fees | Opening hours)

Or from abroad on +44 333 777 7324

Glass claims

You can choose how to arrange a glass repair or replacement. You can claim online or call our 24 hour emergency glass repair helpline.

New glass claim

Give us a call on 0333 777 7324 (Call fees)

Accident recovery helpline

Please call our 24 hour helpline if your vehicle needs to be recovered in the event of an accident.

0800 049 5982

Breakdown helpline

Please call our 24 hour helpline for Ford Insure Breakdown customers.

0330 102 6751 (Call fees)

Call from abroad on +44 292 094 3110