
MultiCar Insurance

Add a car to your policy and get a MultiCar discount

How does multi car insurance work?

Log in to MyAccount

Access your account online or via the app

Add car details

Let us know about the car and where it's kept

Get your quote

If you're happy, confirm and drive away knowing you're covered

Why you should choose MultiCar Insurance

One renewal date

Each time you bring a car on cover, the renewal date of each car automatically aligns, helping to take the stress out of shopping for multiple policies each year.

Don't worry if it's not a Ford

Other cars can join the policy when they're ready, even if they're not a Ford.

MultiCar discounts

Each car insured with Ford Insure receives a MultiCar discount.

One policy for all cars

Only one set of documents to review and keep.

New Replacement Car

If your car is less than 12 months old and you are the first registered owner we can replace it with one of the same specification if yours is written off

Personal Injury Cover

Up to £5000 worth of personal injury cover for you and your partner

Child Seat and Pushchair

Replacement child seat and/or pushchair after an accident with no maximum value and up to £50 for children's accessories

Personal Belongings

Up to £200 following an incident to help with the replacement of personal belongings

No Claims Bonus promise

If a claim's made, it only affects the No Claims Bonus of that vehicle or policyholder. All other vehicles and policyholders are unaffected.

Already a Ford Insure customer?

Bundle other cars, even from different manufacturers, with your existing cover and get a MultiCar discount for each vehicle.

Call for a quote

Personalise your cover with our policy upgrades

You can learn more about our range of policy upgrades, each of which can easily be added to your policy.